Kids Ministry
What to Expect
Children's Church opens 15 minutes before service so you have time to check in your child and still make it into service on time. When you first enter Berachah there will be a pair of double doors on your left with a Children's Church volunteer present to welcome you and your children.
You will then be greeted at our Check-In Desk, if it's your first time, check-in only takes a few minutes to fill out the appropriate information. You will receive a coded sticker that will be given to you and your child.
During your child's time, they will get to play with other children, sing gospel-centered songs, learn engaging Bible lessons, and consider the gospel of Jesus Christ all in ways that are exciting, age-appropriate, and fun.
If there is a need to contact you, your specific code will appear in the auditorium, please bring your coded sticker with you as you enter the children's space. After service, you will need to present this coded sticker to the security member in the kids' space and the trained member of your child's room in order to pick up your child. Children may not check themselves in or be released without the parent/ guardian and matching code.
Have questions? Please do not hesitate to email us at office@berachahchurch.org!
During Sunday Service, Childrens Church engages children with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our desire to create homes of discipleship, we do this by equipping parents to be the primary disciple makers of their children and encouraging the children with age-appropriate lessons on God's Word. Children's Church is a place where each child feels welcomed and wanted as soon as they come into the building.
We know that you are entrusting us with the safety of your child with they are in our care. We make an intentional effort to ensure that every child is safe during their time in Childrens Church. Each space is supervised by trained staff and volunteers, a trained security member is always present in the area, and a coded check in system is required for all children and parents/ guardians.